JVCVOL27 - Americas I -- North America Indian and Inuit (Eskimos) - Vol 27
Vol 27 of the JVC Video Anthology of World Music and Dance features native American traditions of North America, including Inuit drum dances, Canadian Haida totem pole ceremony and potlatch and songs and dances of the Kwakiutl; also included are numerous Nez Perce ceremonial and memorial songs, war dance, and soup dance songs; a Flathead hoop dance; Yakima women's songs, a Shoshone hoop dance and war dance.
This video is part of the 30 DVD/1 CD-ROM JVC Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the World.
North American Indians and Inuit (Eskimos)
Arctic Circle
27-1 Drum dance
27-2/3/4 Drum dance/women's drum dance/song duel
27-5/6/7 Drum dance (two varieties) and talium [women's sitting dance]
27-8 Drum dance
Northwest Coast Indians
27-9/10 Haida totem pole ceremony and potlatch
27-11 Songs and dances of the Kwakiutl
United States of America
American Indians of the Plateau Region
27-12 "Chief Joseph memorial songs" (Nez Perce)
27-13 Ceremonial song (Nez Perce)
27-14 Song for beginning a pow-pow (Nez Perce)
27-15 Ceremonial song (Nez Perce)
27-16 War dance (Nez Perce)
27-17 Soup dance song (Nez Perce)
27-16 Hoop dance (Flathead)
27-19 "Owl song" and "Coyote song" (Nez Perce)
27-20 War dance (Nez Perce)
27-21 Rabbit dance (Nez Perce)
27-22 Song of Chief Joseph (Ncz Perce)
27-23 Song sung by Yakima women
27-24 War dance (Nez Perce)
27-25 Song for beginning a pow-wow (Nez Perce)
27-26 War dance (Nez Perce)
27-27 Rabbit dance (Nez Perce)
27-28 Hoop dance (Shoshone)
27-29 War dance
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