JVCVOL22 - Europe III -- Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania - Vol 22
This video is part of the JVC Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the World
Romania - Vol 22
22-1 Ensemble from Muntenia
22-2 Kaval - flute performance
22-3 Whistling: "Ciocirlia" ("Skylark")
22-4 Romanian folk song: "Hometown"
22-5 Hora and sirba - round dance and line dance of Muntenia
22-6 Music of the autumn harvest festival in Moldavia
22-7 Dance from Botosani in northern Moldavia
22-8 Capra - Christmas "dance of the billy goat"
22-9 Song and dance of the mountain people from Mures in Transylvania
22-10 Sirba - dance from Oltenia in southern Romania Yugoslavia
22-11 Potkorak - dance from Dalmatia
22-12 Dalmation folk song: "I am a girl of the harbor"
22-13 Serbian folk song: "Beautiful Emina"
22-14 Guslar- epic singer with gusle [bowed lute]
22-15 Narrative poetry from Montenegro, accompanied on the gusle [bowed lute]: "Death of Smrt Smail-Aga Cengica"
22-16 Wedding songs and dances
22-17 Gadulka - bowed string instrument performance and song
22-18 Farm workers' songs
22-19 Tepsije - plate-spinning song of Kosovo
22-20 Women's chorus from the village of Zur: "T'kom thon 'dada mos shko me fitve" ("My lover, don't go to a different town")
22-21 Dance from the village of Zur: "Dy mollat e kuge" ("Two red apples")
22-22 Trio of ethnic instruments from the village of Zur: "Canakala mrena" ("The fortress of Canakala")
22-23 Men's folk song: "Kanga e B]ram Currit" ("Song of brave Bjram Currit")
22-24 Wedding song with dance from Metohija: "Moj batixhe shamikuge" ("Oh, Hatixha has put on a red shawl")
22-25 Kallcoja - war dance/sword dance
22-26 Narrative song with lahuta [bowed lute]: "Djegja e Rugoves" ("The burned-down town of Rugoves")
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